One Great Thing You Absolutely Must Do for Your VUI, part 3
Let’s say you’re already doing all of those great things we discussed in parts 1 and 2. You’ve considered the context of the caller and...
One Great Thing You Absolutely Must Do for Your VUI, part 2
In part 1 we talked about understanding customer mindset in a self-service customer care setting and how considering mindset can lead to...
One Great Thing You Absolutely Must Do For Your VUI
(Apologies for the Buzzfeed-like title.) Let’s jump right in and give away the secret, because there really is no secret. The one great...
VUI Design Topic: More on Prosody
Let’s talk about pauses. Pauses determine how fast or slow your system will be perceived. One thing to keep in mind is that people in...
VUI Design Topic: Prosody
First of all, what is prosody? Prosody: the rhythm and pattern of sounds of poetry and language (Merriam-Webster) So when we’re talking...
VUI Design: Four Cardinal Sins
Here are the following items which I can say unequivocally that you should never, ever, ever do. “Our menu options have changed.” The...
VUI Design: Personas
In everyday usage, a persona is a character played by an actor. When we bring this term into the UX world, the most common meaning is a...
VUI Design: Prompts vs. Text to Speech
Text-to-speech is everywhere these days, for example, the iPhone’s Siri, or Amazon’s Echo. Yet, many IVR (interactive voice response)...