Upcoming Webinar: Conversational User Interfaces: Past and Future
I'm excited to be a part of UXPA's series of webinars this year! Topic: How can chatbots learn from existing VUI design? What makes these...
Chatbots vs. Voicebots: SpeechTEK 2017 Sunrise Session
As usual, the deck is after the jump! :) #VUI #CUI #Chatbots #SpeechTEK #Presentations
10 Tips for Making Complicated Things Simple (Big D 2016)
It was another awesome year and another great BigD Conference! The deck is after the jump. :) #DesignThinking #Presentations
Finally! My deck from from UXPA 2016
I had a great time and I hope everyone enjoyed it. For some reason the slideshow doesn't seem to display directly on the summary page of...
Voice Recognition and Natural Language: Dallas Tech Fest 2016
Deck is after the jump! #Presentations #CUI #VoiceRecogntion #NL #VUI
Going Solo: Design and Productivity Tips for the Team of One (Big D 2015)
Because when your main coworkers are small and furry you need a lot of game to keep you sane. Deck is after the jump! #Design...
Speech TEK 2015: Service Design and the Omnichannel Experience
Deck is after the jump! #VUI #ServiceDesign #Omnichannel #DesignThinking #SpeechTEK #Presentations