SpeechTEK 2017 Writeup
Spring 2017 brought another successful SpeechTEK back to Washington DC, although we were (yet again) too late to see the famous cherry...
VUI Design Topic: More on Prosody
Let’s talk about pauses. Pauses determine how fast or slow your system will be perceived. One thing to keep in mind is that people in...
VUI Design Topic: Prosody
First of all, what is prosody? Prosody: the rhythm and pattern of sounds of poetry and language (Merriam-Webster) So when we’re talking...
VUI Design: Four Cardinal Sins
Here are the following items which I can say unequivocally that you should never, ever, ever do. “Our menu options have changed.” The...
Going Solo: Design and Productivity Tips for the Team of One (Big D 2015)
Because when your main coworkers are small and furry you need a lot of game to keep you sane. Deck is after the jump! #Design...
Design Thinking Comes of Age
This article from Harvard Business Review has so many good quotes that I couldn't resist posting it and commenting on it. The gist of the...